
Figure 11.8 Percentage of children with disabilities receiving needed services, 2006



Source: (Derived from) China Disabled Persons’ Federation, The Status Analysis and Strategies Study of Children With Disability in China, 2008

Figure 11.8
In the 2006 Sample Survey on Disability, children with disabilities and their guardians were asked to identify the three main types of services/assistance needed to address the child's disability.

  • Medical services and assistance were received by 28 per cent of respondents, but reported as needed by an additional 40 per cent.
  • Assistance and support for poor people with disabilities were received by 8 per cent of respondents, but needed by an additional 48 per cent.
  • Rehabilitation training and services were received by 10 per cent of respondents, but needed by an additional 39 per cent.
  • Subsidy, reduction or exemption of education fees were received by 6 per cent of respondents, but needed by an additional 13 per cent.
上一篇:Figure 11.7 Percentage of children with disabilities who have never received any of the listed services, 2006
下一篇:Figure 11.9 Percentage of children with disabilities aged 6–14 receiving nine-year basic education, 1987 and 2006

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