
Facts, knowledge and evidence about children are the basis for UNICEF China's work. We rely on research and evidence to support our programmes and to enable us to be a knowledge leader for children in China.

We disseminate our research and evidentiary findings through publications about our work in Health and nutrition, HIV and AIDS, Education, Child protection, Social policy, Water and environmental sanitation, and Emergencies. The publications embodying our research results help:

  • to increase understanding of the issues related to the situation of children and the promotion child rights;
  • to support evidence-based policies that take account of children's rights and needs;
  • to generate knowledge about China's most vulnerable children, which can be used to improve their lives;
  • to publish reports, studies and manuals that help various stakeholders take informed actions in support of children's rights.

We welcome and encourage you to explore our publications. Take action by learning more about the conditions affecting children's lives in China. Or find out how you can support  UNICEF's work today.

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