
Figure 2.2 GNI per capita, 1978–2013


China’s per capita GNI reached US$ 6,560 in 2013. In 2011, the World Bank reclassified China from a “lower middle income country” to an “upper middle income country” since 2010, calculated using the World Bank Atlas method.


Source: World Bank data,, accessed 2014

Figure 2.2
China’s per capita GNI reached US$ 6,560 in 2013. In 2011, the World Bank reclassified China from a "lower middle income country" to an "upper middle income country" since 2010, calculated using the World Bank Atlas method.

上一篇:Figure 2.1 GDP per capita, 1978–2013
下一篇:Figure 2.3 Per capita income, urban and rural, 1978–2013

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