
Figure 2.14 Dibao recipients in absolute numbers, urban and rural, 2001–2013


Figure 2.14 Dibao recipients in absolute numbers, urban and rural, 2001–2013

Source: Ministry of Civil Affairs, China Civil Affairs' Statistical Yearbook, 2014

Figure 2.14
In recent years, social assistance has become one of the Government's priorities, as it seeks to address the basic needs of poor households in both urban and rural areas through, for example, cash transfers in the form of the dibao programme. By 2013, dibao covered 21 million people in urban areas and 54 million people in rural areas.

上一篇:Figure 2.13 Consumption poverty rate, 1981–2011
下一篇:Figure 2.15 Average dibao received by eligible households and minimum living standard in urban areas, by province, 2013

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