
Figure 14.4 Transmission modes of reported HIV/AIDS cases, 1985–2013


Transmission modes of reported HIV/AIDS cases, 1985–2013

Source: Former Ministry of Health, 2012 China AIDS Response Progress Report, 2012; Chinese Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, “Update on the AIDS/STD Epidemic in China and Main Response in Control and Prevention”, China Journal of AIDS and STD, 2013 and 2014 (2012 and 2013 data)

Figure 14.4
In 2007, sex became the main mode of HIV transmission for the first time and accounted for one-third of all HIV infections. Sexual transmission as share of all transmissions increased to 76 per cent in 2011 and 90.8 per cent in 2013. Throughout this time, injecting drug use (IDU) decreased from accounting for roughly one-third of all HIV infections in 2006 to less than 10 per cent in 2013.

上一篇:Figure 14.3 Age distribution of cumulative HIV infections, AIDS cases and AIDS-related deaths, 1985–2007 (as of October 2007)
下一篇:Figure 14.5 Percentage of reported HIV/AIDS cases attributed to mother-to-child transmission, 1998–2013

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