
Figure 3.7 GDP per capita and under-five mortality rate, 1990 and 2013


China made remarkable progress on both economic and health indicators between 1990 and 2013. Along with the increase in per capita GDP, under-five mortality rates of the worst-off provinces in 2013 are similar to those of the wealthiest provinces in 1990.

Sources: National Bureau of Statistics, China Statistical Yearbook, 1991 and 2014 (GDP); National Bureau of Statistics, NPA Monitoring Statistics, 1991 and 2014 (U5MR)

Figure 3.7
China made remarkable progress on both economic and health indicators between 1990 and 2013. Along with the increase in per capita GDP, under-five mortality rates of the worst-off provinces in 2013 are similar to those of the wealthiest provinces in 1990.

上一篇:Figure 3.6 GDP per capita and under-five mortality rate, by province, 2013
下一篇:Figure 3.8 Infant mortality rate, 1991–2013

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