
Figure 3.9 Infant mortality rate, 2013


Great disparities exist in the infant mortality rates of different provinces. The infant mortality rate is generally highest in western provinces and lowest in eastern provinces, while central provinces mainly fall in between. The infant mortality rate ranges from 2.3 per thousand live births in Beijing to around 20 per thousand live births in Xinjiang and Tibet.

Source: National Bureau of Statistics, NPA Monitoring Statistics, 2014

Figure 3.9
Great disparities exist in the infant mortality rates of different provinces. The infant mortality rate is generally highest in western provinces and lowest in eastern provinces, while central provinces mainly fall in between. The infant mortality rate ranges from 2.3 per thousand live births in Beijing to around 20 per thousand live births in Xinjiang and Tibet.

上一篇:Figure 3.8 Infant mortality rate, 1991–2013
下一篇:Figure 3.10 Neonatal mortality rate, 1991–2013

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