
Figure 3.12 Maternal mortality ratio, 1990–2013


Since 1990, the Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR)46 has decreased significantly. The disparity between urban and rural areas has also decreased; the maternal mortality ratio was 1.5 times higher in rural than urban areas in 1990, but only 5.4 per cent higher in 2013. The chart shows the convergence of national, urban and rural figures in recent years, mainly due to the decrease of MMR in rural areas. The influence of maternal deaths amongst urban migrant women is suggested by the roughly static urban maternal mortality ratio since 1998.

Sources: National Health and Family Planning Commission, China Health and Family Planning Statistical Yearbook, 2014; Former Ministry of Health, China Health Statistical Abstract, 2010 (1990 data)

Figure 3.12
Since 1990, the Maternal Mortality Ratio (MMR)46 has decreased significantly. The disparity between urban and rural areas has also decreased; the maternal mortality ratio was 1.5 times higher in rural than urban areas in 1990, but only 5.4 per cent higher in 2013. The chart shows the convergence of national, urban and rural figures in recent years, mainly due to the decrease of MMR in rural areas. The influence of maternal deaths amongst urban migrant women is suggested by the roughly static urban maternal mortality ratio since 1998.

上一篇:Figure 3.11 Cause-specific neonatal mortality, by locality, 2000–2004
下一篇:Figure 3.13 Maternal mortality ratio, 2013

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