
Figure 3.14 Causes of maternal mortality, 1989–2013


Obstetric haemorrhage remains the leading cause of maternal mortality across all years, but whereas it accounted for 49 per cent of maternal deaths in 1989, it accounted for 28 per cent of maternal deaths in 2013. Post-partum infection is no longer a major cause of maternal death in China.

Sources:   National Health and Family Planning Commission, China Health and Family Planning Statistical Yearbook, 2014

Figure 3.14
Obstetric haemorrhage remains the leading cause of maternal mortality across all years, but whereas it accounted for 49 per cent of maternal deaths in 1989, it accounted for 28 per cent of maternal deaths in 2013. Post-partum infection is no longer a major cause of maternal death in China.

上一篇:Figure 3.13 Maternal mortality ratio, 2013
下一篇:Figure 3.15 Cause-specific maternal mortality, by locality, 2000–2004

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