
Figure 3.23 Caesarean section rate, 2003, 2008 and 2011



Source: Qun Meng, Ling Xu, Yaoguang Zhang, Juncheng Qian, Min Cai, Ying Xin, Jun Gao, Ke Xu, J Ties Boerma, Sarah L Barber, ‘Trends in Access to Health Services and Financial Protection in China Between 2003 and 2011: a Cross-sectional Study’, The Lancet, 3 March 2012, Volume 379, Issue9818, Pages 805–814

Figure 3.23
Estimates from the latest three rounds of NHSS show a general increase in caesarean section rates both nationally and at the sub-national level, except for a decrease in urban areas during 2008–2011. Caesarean section deliveries have reached numbers that exceed clinical need. Nationally, one in three women delivered by caesarean section in 2011, compared with one in five in 2003. Although urban women continue to have the highest rates of caesarean section, rural areas and central and western provinces experienced a more significant increase in caesarean rates during 2003 and 2011.

上一篇:Figure 3.22 Skilled attendant at birth, 2013
下一篇:Figure 3.24 Number of physicians and nurses, 1980–2013

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