
Figure 5.1 Prevalence of underweight among children under-five years old, 1990–2010



Source: China Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, National Nutrition Survey (1992 and 2002 data); China Food and Nutrition Surveillance System, other years

Figure 5.1
In 1990, the national prevalence of underweight (low weight-for-age) among under-five children was 13.7 per cent (5.3 per cent in urban areas and 16.5 per cent in rural areas). Between 1990 and 2010, the prevalence of underweight among under-five children decreased significantly to 3.6 per cent nationally, to 1.3 per cent in urban areas and to 4.3 per cent in rural areas. Prevalence of underweight was much higher in poor rural areas at 8 per cent. Underweight is measured according to WHO child growth standards.

上一篇:First page
下一篇:Figure 5.2 Prevalence of stunting among children under-five years old, 1990–2010

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