Sources: National Bureau of Statistics, 1953, 1964, 1982, 1990, 2000 and 2010 Population Censuses (respectively published in 1955, 1966, 1985, 1993, 2002 and 2012); National Bureau of Statistics, China Statistical Yearbook, 2014 (2013 data)
Figure 1.4
According to the national population census, the number and percentage of children increased between 1953 and the 1980s, and then began to fall after this, despite the continuous increase of the total population. China conducts a national population census every ten years. In total six censuses were conducted in the years indicated in this chart between 1953 and 2010.
* Number of children in 2013 is estimated by UNICEF China Office using age-specific population structure in percentages based on the 2013 National Sample Survey on Population Changes conducted by the National Bureau of Statistics of China. Results of this survey are published in China Population and Employment Statistics Yearbook 2014.
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