Sources: National Bureau of Statistics, 1982, 1990, 2000, and 2010 Population Censuses, (respectively published in 1985, 1993, 2002 and 2012); 1987, 1995 and 2005 One Per cent Population Sample Surveys (respectively published in 1988, 1997 and 2007)
Figure 1.13
Disaggregated data indicate that the sex ratio at birth increases with birth order in China. For example, in the year 2010, the sex ratio at birth was around 114 for first-order births, but rose to 130 for second-order births and reached 158 for third and higher-order births. The sex ratio at birth was within the normal range for first-order and second-order births in 1982 and for the first order from 1982 until 2000, followed by an overall increase in all orders. A decrease in second order births is observed from 2000 to 2010.
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