
Figure 7.12 Rural population affected by high arsenic in water sources, selected provinces, 2013


Arsenic has been found in groundwater in about half of the country

Source:National Health and Family Planning Commission, China Health and Family Planning Statistical Yearbook, 2014

Figure 7.12
Arsenic has been found in groundwater in about half of the country's provinces. Since 2006, great efforts have been made in providing alternative safe water sources to people in the affected areas. By 2013, there were still 110,000 people, mainly living in northern China, being affected by water with high levels of arsenic and not using alternative safe water sources. Arsenic is present in geological formations and enters the groundwater naturally. It affects people when it enters people’s water supply, e.g. water wells.

上一篇:Figure 7.11 Central government expenditure on rural water and sanitation, 2000–2011
下一篇:Figure 7.13 Population living in coal-borne arsenic-affected areas, 2013

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