UNICEF joins the Government of China in promoting the importance of making sure every child benefits from early childhood care and development.
The global education agenda for the next 15 years will be discussed at the World Education Forum 2015 (WEF 2015), which opened today in Incheon, Republic of Korea. The conference will set out a global roadmap for Education until 2030.
An android and international version of application developed for children with autism is launched this month.
With two-thirds of China’s 90 million children aged 0-6 living in rural areas, findings of a survey on early childhood development, released at a UNICEF briefing, illustrate that increasing investment in the quality of services will be critical to meet the Government of China’s target of rolling out universal pre-school education by 2020.
Invest more wisely in education
On the eve of the World Economic Forum, UNICEF outlined an ambitious ‘Agenda for Every Child’ that it says must drive the post-2015 sustainable development goals.
New report shows why ‘business as usual’ won’t lead to universal primary or secondary education
Xiao Chun (alias), a 12-year-old boy at a rural school in Jianchuan county in Yunnan Province, used to be rebellious and did not want to learn. Although his parents tried to force him to study, they failed and he continued to resist. Like many children in rural parts of China, school was a place where he faced great pressure to perform well by rote learning and often very formal lessons.
The Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) is the most ratified human rights treaty in history and it has transformed the way in which children are viewed and treated across the world. This has translated into concrete and measurable successes in children’s survival, development and protection.
Balloon pilot Andrew Parker brought his coloured hot air balloon to the UNICEF supported Child Friendly Space in Chaping Town.
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