It was raining heavily in Shanghai, the impact of Typhoon Haima. But no downpour could wash out or dampen the enthusiasm for the first-ever Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Expo, jointly launched by the China Friendship Foundation for Peace and Development and United Technologies Corporation in October 2016.
In rural China many people have never even heard of the profession of social work. So building trust, especially in remote and less developed communities, can be tough.
UNICEF China introduced our work on a Child Protection pilot program for a community-based child protection mechanism in rural communities, Education’s technology-based parenting support in and demonstrated our virtual reality headsets.
A blog by Margo O'Sullivan, PhD, Chief Education and Child Development, UNICEF China.
How do we create a more protective and caring environment for left behind children whose parents may only return for a few days a year?
The first time UNICEF China uses virtual reality (VR) technology for documenting its best practices, and decided to focus on ECD for children from 0 to 3, as this is one of UNICEF China’s CO’s key areas in our CP 2016-2020.
Before the Chinese New Year in 2015, I moved to Freetown for my new position as the Education Specialist in ECD in UNICEF Sierra Leone...
UNICEF China's Education Officer, Zhao Qi, tells a story of how UNICEF is determined to deliver early childhood development services to all children in need, to bring not only some colour to their lives but stimulation.
How can Early Childhood Development (ECD) drive the transformation we want to achieve by 2030?
Imagine you as a kid and were given an algebrahomework assignment and a board game for your free choice, which one would you pick?
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