
A Post-2015 World Fit for Children



Key Messages

There is much to celebrate for children in the goals and targets proposed by the Open Working Group, which have significantly built on the MDGs.

Explicit targets on reducing inequality, ending violence against children and combating child poverty are major steps forward.

This progress for children's rights must be maintained as negotiations around the new development agenda continue and intensify, and strengthened where gaps remain.

There must be a clear and explicit focus on “leaving no one behind.” Reaching first the poorest and most disadvantaged children must be reflected in all targets, as well as indicators and national implementation frameworks as they are developed.

Targets need to be measurable and translated into indicators to measure progress within and across countries and to track equity gaps.

 Investing in the rights of all children, in every place in the world -- no matter the child's gender, ethnicity, race, economic, disability or other status is the fundamental building block for achieving the future we want.

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