
The Children's Rights in Sustainability Reporting


The Children’s Rights in Sustainability Reporting

The Children's Rights in Sustainability Reporting tool is a guide to help companies integrate child rights reporting into the GRI reporting framework.  It gives practical advice for each disclosure topic in the GRI 3.1 and 4 versions.  UNICEF is pleased to present this guide in Mandarin so that companies in China can enhance their sustainability reporting. 

The Children's Rights in Sustainability Reporting tool is part of a suite of practical tools designed to accompany the Children's Rights and Business Principles (CRBP), which was launched in China in 2012 by UNICEF, the UN Global Compact, and Save the Children.   The CRBP is also available for download in Mandarin and both documents, plus a useful quick guide, are available here.

Download File: 20151203094355475        

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