
Corporate Social Responsibility/Children's Right & Business Publications


To help our private sector partners, UNICEF joined Save the Children and the UN Global Compact, to develop the Children's Rights and Business Principles. The Principles aim to not only guide companies in understanding their impact on children, but also how to address negative impact and amplify positive impact.

Children's Rights and Business Principles

Download Children's Rights and Business Principles

UNICEF has been engaging with businesses to promote the corporate responsibility to respect and support children's rights and has developed a number of tools to guide companies in their work to become better businesses for children, including:

“Children's Rights in Impact Assessment” - A guide for integrating child rights into impact assessments and taking actions for children “Children's Rights in Policies and Codes of Conduct” - A tool for recommending ways for companies to incorporate children's rights considerations into policies and codes of conduct Stakeholder Engagement on Children's Rights - A tool for guiding companies on why, with whom and how business should engage stakeholders
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Download Children's Rights in Impact Assessment Download Children's Rights in Policies and Codes of Conduct Download Stakeholder Engagement on Children's Rights
Children's Rights in Sustainability Reporting - A guide for integrating children's rights into the GRI reporting framework The Workbook. 2.0 - A workbook summarizing the guidance provided in UNICEF's child rights implementation tools
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Download Children's Rights in Sustainability Reporting Download The Workbook. 2.0
Download File: Tools Pack        

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