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Adolescent Education
Recognize adolescents as having particular needs and capacities that are different from those of younger children and from those of adults.
Adolescent children are making a difficult transition from childhood to adulthood. To grow-up, remain safe and to take full advantage of their opportunities, they need to develop “life skills” in addition to academic knowledge.
They need to develop: communication and interpersonal skills, decision-making and critical thinking skills, and coping and self-management skills.
Learn more about the special needs of disadvantaged and marginalized adolescents.
To develop good communication with your adolescent child, make sure you set a good pattern of open communication early on in childhood.
Show patience and respect to your adolescent child.
Talk to your adolescent about risks of exploitation and abuse.
Help your adolescent understand that lacking education increases their risks in life.
Learn more about the life skills and vocational training opportunities for adolescents in your community.
Help out-of-school adolescents in your community access life skills and vocational training opportunities.
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