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Take care of your baby by giving positive attention and appropriate stimulation with toys, songs, poems and playing together. Before pregnancy, ensure your diet contains a range of fresh food. See your doctor for a health check and to receive appropriate nutrition advice and supplements before becoming pregnant.
Mothers-to-be: ask your local maternal and child health care provider if the foods you eat contain enough iodine.
Use iodisedsalt at home and when you cook.
Breastmilkis the best food for babies. It protects your baby against disease not only during infancy, but for the rest of his or her life.
For the first six months breastmilkprovides everything a young child needs. Do not allow your baby to drink water, soup or mashed foods in the first six months of life. Giving formula, other liquids or food can reduce the flow of breastmilkand the benefits it gives.
If you breastfeed your baby frequently and “on-demand” your breasts will produce more milk. An insufficient supply of breast milk is extremely rare. A newborn baby's stomach is only as big as a ping pong ball.
Infant formula is un-safe and contains many impurities; it can easily become spoiled and can be contaminated by un-safe water.
By providing nothing but breastmilkto your baby for the first six months of life you will improve your child's IQ, reduce the threat of infections, heart disease, diabetes and obesity.
After six months, try to continue breastfeeding your baby for at least the first two years of life.
You can begin feeding your baby healthy solid food from six months. From the age of 12 months, your baby should be eating almost the same food as you.
If available, fortify your child's food with micronutrient powder.
Feed your child a wide variety of fresh food, including fruits and vegetables.
Avoid high-calorie, low-nutrient processed and fast foods.
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