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Prevent Child Injuries


Road Safety

  • watch children carefully
  • teach young children never to cross or walk along a road unless accompanied by an adult or older child
  • prevent children from playing near the road
  • teach children not to run after balls, moving toys or kites that go on or near the road
  • instruct children to walk on the side of the road, facing traffic
  • if there is a sidewalk, teach children to use it rather than walk on the road.


  • stop at the side of the road
  • look both ways
  • listen for cars or other vehicles before crossing
  • hold the hand of another person
  • in urban areas, use pedestrian crossings

Water Safety

  • cover wells and water tanks so children cannot open them
  • turn tubs and buckets upside down when not in use, and always supervise children taking a bath
  • teach children to stay away from ditches and drains
  • for families who live near bodies of water, install a fence around the house and close the gates to prevent young children from going in the water
  • fence ponds and pools with vertical rails spaced close together to prevent children from getting through them to the water
  • teach children how to swim when they are young
  • always supervise children who are swimming
  • in flood-prone areas, carefully watch children when the water begins to rise; be well informed of safe places to go to if you need to leave home quickly. 

Burns, scalds and shocks

  • keep young children away from cooking fires, matches, paraffin lamps, candles and flammable liquids such as paraffin and kerosene
  • put stoves on a flat, raised surface out of the reach of children
  • do not leave small children alone near fires or to tend fires or cook
  • turn the handles of all cooking pots away from the reach of children
  • keep hot foods and liquids in a safe place and out of children's reach
  • never hold a child when having hot liquids or foods.
  • teach children never to put their fingers or other objects into electric sockets
  • cover power sockets to prevent access.


  • discourage and prevent children from climbing onto unsafe places
  • do not allow children to play on stairs and balconies, and, if they do, watch them closely
  • use railings of appropriate width and height with vertical bars on stairs, windows or balconies
  • keep the home clean, well lit and free of sharp objects and rough edges
  • do not leave infants unattended on beds, cots, hammocks or in walkers or other baby equipment


  • All medicines, chemicals and poisons should be stored in their original containers, tightly sealed and out of children's reach. Poisons should never be stored in food or beverage containers.
  • Detergents, bleaches, chemicals and medicines should never be left where children can reach them. They should be tightly sealed and labeled. They should also be locked in a cupboard or trunk or put on a high shelf where children cannot see or reach them.

Dog Bites

  • Educate children. Children who understand how to act around dogs, how to play with dogs, when to leave dogs alone and how to properly meet a dog are much less likely to be bitten.
  • Supervise your children. Unsupervised children may innocently wander too close to a dangerous situation.


  • Don't treat a dog unkindly. Never hit, kick, slap or bite a dog or pull on his ears, tail or paws.
  • Never bother dogs with puppies or dogs that are playing with toys, eating or sleeping. Don't approach a dog you don't know.
  • Never approach a dog that is tied up, behind a fence or in a car.
  • If you want to meet a dog, first ask the owner for permission. If the owner says it's OK, hold out your hand in a fist for the dog to sniff. If he's interested, you can give him a little scratch under the chin (not over the head) and say hello.
  • If a loose dog approaches you, stand still like a tree. Keep your hands at your sides, and stay quiet and calm. Look away from the dog.
  • Always make slow movements, set things down carefully and don't run when you're around dogs, as this gets them excited and they may accidently hurt you.
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