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Gender Equality


  • Talk to your daughter about how she has the same rights, and should enjoy the same rights, as boys.
  • Talk to your son about how girls and boys have the same rights and should have the same opportunities.
  • Look for opportunities to include girls and boys equally in community activities.
  • Feed girls and boys equally.
  • Make sure girls and boys in your community receive equal basic health care.
  • Be positive about the potential of girls. Express confidence in girls' abilities. Show respect for girls' intelligence. Listen to girls' opinions.
  • Encourage girls to develop their interest in science and mathematics and other subjects that are usually encouraged for boys.
  • Encourage girls to play in various sports and games to develop strength, coordination and confidence.
  • Encourage girls to aim for higher education.
  • Talk to your child's teachers about ways in which the curriculum might reinforce traditional gender roles that treat girls and boys unequally.
  • Teach your child to respect the rights of the opposite gender by treating your spouse with kindness, patience and love.
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