Some 3 in 10 people worldwide, or 2.1 billion, lack access to safe, readily available water at home, and 6 in 10, or 4.5 billion, lack safely managed sanitation, according to a new report by the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF.
Pneumonia and diarrhoea together kill 1.4 million children each year, the overwhelming majority of whom live in lower and middle-income countries.
Often traumatized by the conflicts and violence they are fleeing, they face further dangers along the way, including the risk of drowning on sea crossings, malnourishment and dehydration, trafficking, kidnapping, rape and even murder.
The 2015-2016 El Niño has ended but its devastating impact on children is worsening.
UNICEF said the push to bring safe water to millions around the world is going to be even more challenging due to climate change, which threatens both water supply and water safety for millions of children living in drought- or flood-prone areas.
The Clipper Round the World Yacht Race has partnered with UNICEF to advocate for child related issues.
Today’s children are the least responsible for climate change, but they, and their children, are the ones who will live with its consequences.
Handwashing with soap is dangerously low in many countries, UNICEF reports, despite its proven benefits to child health.
Children are already suffering as a result of drought in some parts of DPR Korea and many more may be at serious risk of malnutrition and disease if it continues, UNICEF warned today.
Lack of progress on sanitation threatens to undermine the child survival and health benefits from gains in access to safe drinking water and against the Millennium Development Goals.
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