
Figure 11.10 Percentage of children with disabilities aged 6–14 receiving nine-year basic education, 2007–2011



Source: China Disabled Persons’ Federation, 2011 National Monitoring Report on the Situation of People with Disabilities, 2012

Figure 11.10
The China Disabled Persons' Federation (CDPF) conducted national follow-up monitoring surveys on the situation of people with disabilities annually since 2007. 2007-2008 monitoring surveys selected 734 communities, one from each of the counties sampled during the Second National Sample Survey on Disability in 2006. The number of communities doubled since 2009 survey with two communities selected from each sample county. According to the 2007 National Monitoring Survey Report, the proportion of school-aged children with disabilities aged 6–14 receiving nine-year basic education was 63 per cent nationwide (66per cent in urban areas and 63per cent in rural areas). In 2011, the proportion of school-aged children with disabilities receiving nine-year basic education increased to 72 per cent (75per cent in urban areas and 72per cent in rural areas).

上一篇:Figure 11.9 Percentage of children with disabilities aged 6–14 receiving nine-year basic education, 1987 and 2006
下一篇:Figure 11.11 Type of school attended by children with disabilities, 1987 and 2006

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