
Figure 11.11 Type of school attended by children with disabilities, 1987 and 2006



Source: (Derived from) China Disabled Persons’ Federation, The Status Analysis and Strategies Study of Children With Disability in China, 2008

Figure 11.11
The majority of surveyed children with disabilities aged 6–14 who were receiving nine-year basic education in China in 2006 attended normal schools (54 per cent), while 5 per cent were enrolled in special education schools and 3 per cent were reported to be receiving education through other channels (e.g. community-based schooling, home schooling).

The percentage of children receiving nine-year basic education in special education schools has increased by 4 per cent in the past 19 years.

In 1987, 45 per cent of children with disabilities aged 6–14 were out of school. This percentage dropped to 38 per cent in 2006.

上一篇:Figure 11.10 Percentage of children with disabilities aged 6–14 receiving nine-year basic education, 2007–2011
下一篇:Last page

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