
Figure 3.2 Under-five mortality rate, 2013


Great disparities in the under-five mortality rate exist among the different provinces. In general, the under-five mortality rate is highest in western provinces and lowest in eastern provinces. In Beijing, it is less than 4 per thousand live births, while in Xinjiang and Tibet, it is around 25 per thousand live births.

Source: National Bureau of Statistics, NPA Monitoring Statistics, 2014

Figure 3.2
Great disparities in the under-five mortality rate exist among the different provinces. In general, the under-five mortality rate is highest in western provinces and lowest in eastern provinces. In Beijing, it is less than 4 per thousand live births, while in Xinjiang and Tibet, it is around 25 per thousand live births.

上一篇:Figure 3.1 Under-five mortality rate, 1991–2013
下一篇:Figure 3.3 Age distribution of deaths among under-five children, 1991–2013

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