
Figure 7.7 Percentage of population using improved sanitation facilities, 1990–2012


WHO and UNICEF publish a Joint Monitoring Programme (JMP) report biannually to assess the status of household use of improved sanitation facilities79. According to the most recent JMP estimates, 65 per cent of people in China had access to improved sanitation by 2012. The use of improved sanitation facilities was 56 per cent in rural areas, 18 percentage points lower than that in urban areas. JMP estimates on household use of sanitation facilities are different from the data reported by NHFPC/NPHCCO (Figure 7.6) and published in the China Health and Family Planning Statistical Yearbook.

Sources:   United Nations Children’s Fund and World Health Organization Joint Monitoring Programme for Water Supply and Sanitation, Estimates for the use of Improved Sanitation Facilities, China, updated April 2014

Figure 7.7
WHO and UNICEF publish a Joint Monitoring Programme (JMP) report biannually to assess the status of household use of improved sanitation facilities79. According to the most recent JMP estimates, 65 per cent of people in China had access to improved sanitation by 2012. The use of improved sanitation facilities was 56 per cent in rural areas, 18 percentage points lower than that in urban areas. JMP estimates on household use of sanitation facilities are different from the data reported by NHFPC/NPHCCO (Figure 7.6) and published in the China Health and Family Planning Statistical Yearbook.

上一篇:Figure 7.6 Rural access to sanitary latrines, 2000–2013
下一篇:Figure 7.8 Rural access to sanitary latrines, by type, 2000–2013

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