Source: National Health and Family Planning Commission, China Health and Family Planning Statistical Yearbook, 2014
Figure 7.8
The Government has approved hygienic standards for rural household latrines. While households and regions may choose different types of latrines depending on local conditions and preferences, the three-compartment septic tank latrine is now the most common type of latrine and preferred by rural households. Three-in-one biogas septic tank latrines and water-flush latrines are also becoming increasingly common.
* Since 2007, the twin-pit alternating latrine was introduced by NPHCCO as one of the 6 recommended types of harmless sanitary household latrines. By 2013, 1.7 million households nationally used this type, accounting for less than one per cent of the total sanitary latrines. The figure is too small in coverage and therefore it is combined into other sanitary latrines in this chart.
上一篇:Figure 7.7 Percentage of population using improved sanitation facilities, 1990–2012 下一篇:Figure 7.9 Rural access to sanitary latrines, by province, 2013Legal   Privacy Policy   Avoid Fraud   FAQs!