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  • Speech by Wang Yuan at ECOSOC

    Speech by Wang Yuan at ECOSOC


  • UNICEF holds star-studded 70th anniversary event

    Ishmael Beah, David Beckham, Orlando Bloom, Millie Bobby Brown, Jackie Chan, Priyanka Chopra, Angelique Kidjo and Femi Kuti attend UNICEF’s 70th anniversary event and call for a fair chance for every child. UNICEF commemorated 70 years of tireless work for children today with the help of some of the organization’s best-known Goodwill Ambassadors and celebrity advocates at a ‘children’s takeover’ event co-hosted by 12-year-old Millie Bobby Brown and featuring children and young people who have benefited directly from UNICEF's efforts.


  • UNICEF commemorates 70 years of tireless work for the world's most vulnerable children

    On the 70th anniversary of its founding, UNICEF celebrates the immense progress made for the world’s children – and renews the urgent call to reach millions of children whose lives and futures are endangered by conflict, crisis, poverty, inequality and discrimination.


  • New film featuring UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador David Beckham highlights urgent need to end violence against children

    A powerful new film featuring UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador David Beckham was released today to illustrate the brutal reality that physical and psychological abuse can mark children forever.


  • Ma Yili emphasizes the importance of ensuring comprehensive care for children in the first few years of life

    Renowned Chinese film artist and United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) Ambassador, Ma Yili, visited Liping County of Guizhou to learn about integrated approaches to Early Childhood Development (ECD) for children 0-3.


  • Manchester United and UNICEF champion rights of adolescents

    Manchester United and UNICEF joined together to champion the rights of underprivileged young people through a series of cultural activities.


  • World Renowned Pianist and United Nations Messenger of Peace Lang Lang - and Sesame Street's Cookie Monster - featured in PSA promoting early childhood development

    UNICEF and Sesame Workshop have teamed up with Lang Lang to produce a public service announcement (PSA) on the importance of access to quality early childhood development (ECD) for every child in China.


  • Ma Yili appointed UNICEF Ambassador

    Early Childhood Development to be Ma Yili s top priority for children.


  • Shakira and UNICEF call for leaders to join the early childhood revolution

    UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Shakira today urged global leaders to invest heavily in early childhood development.


  • Lang Lang revisits childhood pleasures

    Lang Lang, United Nations Messenger of Peace and world-renowned pianist, found his long lost childhood pleasures at a kindergarten on the fringe of Beijing.


  • Shakira and Gerard Piqué host World Baby Shower to support UNICEF's work

    Anyone, anywhere can host their own Virtual Baby Shower to help children around the world.


  • Chen Kun urges everyone to join the campaign to “Make the Invisible Visible”

    UNICEF Ambassador Chen Kun added his voice to call for an end to violence against children.


  • The “Flying High For Kids” World Balloon Project comes to China

    Balloon pilot Andrew Parker brought his coloured hot air balloon to the UNICEF supported Child Friendly Space in Chaping Town.


  • Philanthropy, A Down-to-Earth Journey for Maggie Cheung

    "It's more of an obligation, a duty."


  • Chen Kun starts his lessons

    Chen Kun's first visit to one of UNICEF programmes for vulnerable children in remote rural communities.


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