Beijing, 20 Oct 2016 – Renowned Chinese film artist and United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) Ambassador, Ma Yili, visited Liping County of Guizhou to learn about integrated approaches to Early Childhood Development (ECD) for children 0-3. At today's press conference held in the UNICEF China office, Ma Yili shared her experience from her September field visit, which was her first for UNICEF after her appointment as Ambassador.
![]() United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) Ambassador, Ma Yili, visits and plays with a child, who has been left behind by her migrating parents, at her home in Huanggang Village, Liping County in Guizhou Province. |
"I was so impressed by these active young children. They were so engaged, stimulated and thriving," said Ma Yili. "As a mother, I realize how important it is for parents and communities to learn about ECD. Children need good nutrition, healthcare, stimulation, responsive caring and a safe environment starting from the early period of their life."
Latest global evidence shows that, in the first 1,000 days of life from conception, there is an early window of opportunity to provide nurturing care (nutrition, early learning, responsive care, hygiene, sanitation and security) that children need for their brains to develop fully and to help fulfil their own potential.
Located in the southeast of Guizhou Province, Liping County is one of the four national-level poverty-stricken counties where UNICEF is working with the National Health and Family Planning Commission (NHFPC), the Ministry of Civil Affairs (MCA) and the All-China Women's Federation (ACWF) to provide a comprehensive package of community-based ECD services including health, nutrition, early stimulation and child protection for young children under three years old.
![]() United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) Ambassador, Ma Yili, and a social worker from the UNICEF-supported Early Childhood Development project introduce knowledge about child safety to the caregivers in Liping County, Guizhou Province. |
Ma Yili visited the local health clinic in Huanggang Village of Liping County, where families with young children receive primary healthcare services including child growth monitoring, development screening, counselling and nutritional interventions. "In the village, I met a few mothers breastfeeding their babies. I was so happy to see that breastfeeding is a popular practice in the rural areas. Some of the babies are more than one or two years old."
Ma Yili was also impressed by the outreach and support provided by the social workers to the most vulnerable families with young children. "I learned the social worker often pays home visits, talks to parents and learns about the difficult situation of the poor families. They help identify the urgent needs of children and support the families to receive critical social assistance such as medical insurance or low-income subsidy. I think the role of the social worker is very important here."
![]() United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) Ambassador, Ma Yili, feeds a little boy Ying Yang Bao (Fortified Complementary Food Supplement) during a home visit in Huanggang Village, Liping County in Guizhou Province, where children from 6 months to 2 years receive free Ying Yang Bao every month. |
Since 2013, the project has covered 80 villages in Guizhou and Shanxi provinces. Forty community-based integrated ECD centres have been set up in disadvantaged rural areas, providing a child-friendly and safe space for the child caregivers to play with their children and develop knowledge and skills in child rearing.
In the centre one volunteer early stimulation worker works with parents, grandparents or caregivers, and children. A parenting portal is available at each centre for parents to access information on all aspects of children's development aged 0-6. This portal is also available in app form.
"The parents and grandparents I met in the UNICEF-supported ECD centre were so actively engaged in the interaction with their children. I can tell there has been a huge change in the perception of ECD among local people," said Ma Yili. "I never expected the ECD project could reach children and their families in such a remote and poor area."
![]() United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) Ambassador, Ma Yili joins a game organized by the volunteer from a UNICEF-supported ECD project site in Liping County, Guizhou Province. Ma Yili visited Liping County of Guizhou Province in early September to learn about UNICEF's support to the most disadvantaged children aged 0-3 years old with integrated approaches to Early Childhood Development (ECD). The project provides a comprehensive package of community-based ECD services including health, nutrition, early stimulation and child protection in the first 1,000 days of life from conception, to help children's brains develop fully and to fulfil their full potential. |
"A child's first few years are an unprecedented opportunity in life to ensure early childhood development practices and programmes which set the foundation for life-long thriving,” said Rana Flowers, UNICEF Representative to China. "It requires a mix of integrated interventions and multi-sectoral involvement to ensure every child has access to good healthcare and nutrition, clean water, sanitation and hygiene, early stimulation and protection from violence, abuse and neglect."
"Early Childhood Development is also the foundation for realizing the Sustainable Development Goals set for 2030," Karin Hulshof, UNICEF Regional Director for East Asia and Pacific, added. "This is my first visit to China and I'm so encouraged to see that China is leading the way on a comprehensive approach to ECD for children 0-3. Investing in early childhood development is one of the most critical and cost-effective ways to improve adult health, education and productivity. It also empowers women, reduces violence, promotes environmental sensitivity, and can break the cycle of poverty to create a more sustainable and prosperous world."
![]() United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) Ambassador, Ma Yili visits a family, in which the children have been left in the care of grandparents, in Liping County, Guizhou Province, and teaches the children how to wash hands correctly. |
"What the child needs for growing up is not only food and clothes. They also have psychological and emotional needs. They need to live in a caring, protective and safe environment. These are all crucial to the whole life of the child," said Ma Yili. "The first three years is very important for children's growth and development. You cannot miss it, as the window of opportunity is irreversible."
For more information about ECD, please visit:
UNICEF ECD microsite:http://www.unicef.cn/ecd
Parenting portal: http://yuer.cbern.com.cn
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