"My name is Yang Mei. I am a middle school student." This is how 15-year-old Yang Mei introduces herself in pe...
Chen Yilin has just turned a year old. Rosycheeked and always smiling, Yilin is adored by her neighbours, but no one is happier or prouder than her mother.
Children are often the most astute observers of change.
In November 2010, a UNICEF Child Friendly Space was set up in Ganda Village, on the outskirts of Jiegu Town, the Yushu county seat.
We come here every day during recess and after school to make music together.
Young volunteers help to organize group activities and events for children.
For these students, school is not only the place where they receive their education, but also the place where they eat their daily meals, play with their friends, and sleep at night.
On the morning of 22 March 2011, the Yushu Prefecture Maternal and Child Health Hospital received an urgent call from the Shanglaxiu Township Health Clinic.
UNICEF provided learning and recreational materials, including student kits, sports kits and library kits with both Chinese and Tibetan language books.
“The food at school is better than the potatoes we normally eat at home.” Mizai aged 12 said.
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