Media Center

  • Social and Emotional Learning: one pioneering way rural China is bridging the education gap

    SEL is a process in learning a variety of non-cognitive skills and developing knowledge in managing emotions, setting goals and caring for others -- essential for a child's holistic development.


  • The New (SDG) Education Agenda: UNICEF and SDGs in China and the Global SDG Conundrum

    China is serious about Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4 as evidenced by aligning it with its national 13th Five Year Plan (2016-2020) and launching in 2016 a national SDG implementation plan; it also works with UNICEF to support SDG4 equity focused interventions to inform regional and national replication. The national SDG implementation plan highlights the SDG4 indicator conundrum: how can we measure SDG progress globally if the 11 global indicators are not all measurable in every country?


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