Our Partners

UNICEF's partnerships with the private sector are a vital part of our work to improve children’s lives in China. Our private sector collaborations provide critical resources to support UNICEF programs that address children’s needs, and at the same time provide a platform for businesses to promote a specific child-rights focus in their socially-responsible engagement with the community.

Corporations are increasingly recognizing both the moral obligation to further children’s rights in their operations, products and marketing practices, as well as the practical benefits of doing so. Businesses with a child-rights focus enjoy better reputations and higher brand value, in addition to attracting investors, building public trust, and contributing to more sustainable and inclusive markets.

Our current corporate partners include:


If your business or corporation would like to become a partner of UNICEF in China please call (86-10) 85318430. If you would like to download fact sheets that explain how you can support UNICEF projects for children click here.

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